Checking Accounting Period Access Levels (v2, v4, v6)

Access levels determine the minimum level of access required to view and maintain data. They range from 0-9 with three levels typically used:

  • Level 3 – for ‘standard’ users who will predominantly need to access the data used on a day-to-day basis.
  • Level 8 – for ‘power’ users who will predominantly administer and report on financial data.

  • Level 9 – for System Administrators only.

By default, access level 3 is assigned to a vast majority of data so it is only necessary to change the access level for any data that you want to ensure is visible only to a user group with a higher access level.

Typically, open accounting periods are set to access level 3 enabling 'standard' users and above to be able to post transactions to the period.

There may be occasions when you want to limit access to certain accounting periods or financial years to prevent data from being accidentally posted to an incorrect period. We recommend setting access levels to level 8 rather 9 as this ensures that automated transactions, such as prepayments, can still be posted to the accounting period.

To check the access levels for an accounting period:

  1. Log in toIRIS Financials as CUSTADMIN/PSFADMIN then select Masters > Periods from the top menu.
  2. The Period Maintenance dialog is displayed. Highlight the required period in the left-hand panel. The Access Level is displayed on the right-hand side.

  1. If required, change the access level, then click the Apply button.