Logging into IRIS Purchasing

IRIS Financials Purchasing can be accessed either through IRIS Financials or directly from your internet browser using our web-based application service called PS Online. The person within your establishment/organisation who administers your system i.e. has the CUSTADMIN login, can advise whether a shortcut has been provided for easy access.

To access IRIS Financials via your internet browser, enter the following address in the address bar:


Where //<SERVERNAME> is the name of the server on which IRIS Purchasing is accessible. For example, if the server was called localhost, the address would be:


To log in from IRIS Financials, select Modules, then select IRIS Purchasing from the menu.

Whichever method is used, the PS Online login window is displayed.

You need to know your username, password, database, and company as these are not available from drop-down lists for security reasons. Please contact the person within your establishment/organisation who administers your system i.e. has the CUSTADMIN login if you are not sure of this information.

Once logged in, the Home page is displayed.