IRIS Financial Planner Update — January 2023

The following updates were made for IRIS Financial Planner during January 2023:

New Features


Use this feature to create a new budget forecast using imported actuals. When imported, the new data overwrites saved scenarios with monthly actuals, allowing you to actively re-profile remaining income and spend.

For more information, go to Using Reforecasting.

To activate this feature for use, contact our Support team.

MAT Admin Console

The new Admin Console replaces the dashboard and provides quick access to required Multi-Academy Trust (MAT)-level functionality, such as working forecasts and budgets for each associated academy.

Manage each academy's individual settings from the Manage column.

Screenshot of IRIS Financial Planner Admin Console

Fixes and Updates

Funding Predictor

You can now delete individual lines from the Funding Predictor calculator rather than the whole entry.

Improved Menu Navigation

You can now go directly to the IRIS Sync and Audit modules from wherever you are in IRIS Financial Planner. Selecting the Sync or Audit icons opens the module in a new tab inside IRIS Financial Planner.

Student Fees

Student fees now correctly feed into the Cost Centre reports.