Recording Trip Bookings

Some Of the nominals and ledgers used in this topic may be different to those in your chart of accounts.

Once a trip account has been created within the TRIPS ledger, bookings for students can be entered onto the system to show expected income for each trip and to log a debtor for each student booked on that trip. Students attending the trip must already have accounts in the system.

This topic assumes you are familiar with selecting and completing document input forms. For more information, please see Completing Document Input Forms.

  1. Select Documents, then select Document Input from the menu.
  2. The Document Input dialog is displayed. Select Drill (...) in Document type, then double-select to select ASTB - Trip Booking (where AS represents the location code of the document type) from the Select a document type dialog. Trip Booking is then displayed in Input form.
  3. The trip booking Number defaults to the next available number.
  4. The Date defaults to the date you are entering the information, i.e. today's date. The date must be the date the booking was made. To change the date, select a date from the drop-down calendar.
  5. The Period defaults to the current period and only needs to be changed if the date has been amended to a date in another accounting period.
  6. Select OK to confirm your selections.
  7. The Trip Booking document input form is displayed, populated with the details entered in the Document Input dialog.
  8. Double-select in Trip, then double-select to select the required trip account from the Select account dialog.
  9. The Trip and adjacent field are populated with the trip name and description. Double-select in Create Debtor £, then select Y from the Select VATABLE key dialog. This ensures that a debtor account is created for the applicable student.
    Bank Account is replaced with Pupil, together with a note confirming that a student debtor account will be created.
  10. Double-select in Pupil, then select the required pupil from the Select account dialog. The pupil code and name are then populated in the Pupil fields.
  11. Enter a Description for the booking, e.g. Cornwall Trip - G Bale.
  12. Any existing pupil/student Account Balance is displayed, together with the details of the trip (populated from the details stored in the selected trip account).
  13. If the trip is Vatable, double-select in VAT Rate, then double-select to select a VAT rate from the Select VATRATES key dialog.
  14. Press the F5 key or POST to post the form. Places Available decreases by 1 as each form is posted. Repeat for any other trip bookings that you want to record. You are then ready to record payments made towards the trip. For more information, please see Recording Trip Income.
  15. The posted document is displayed in the Document Posted panel. Select the document link to view the document details in a Document Enquiry window.