Producing a Nominal List

Some Of the nominals and ledgers used in this topic may be different to those in your chart of accounts.

To produce a list of nominals, the Chart of Accounts report is run in the Reporting Suite.

Only nominals to which you have access are displayed. If you are unable to see a nominal that should be displayed, please contact the person within your establishment/organisation who administers the system, i.e. has a CUSTADMIN login.

  1. Select Modules, then select Reporting Suite from the menu.
  2. The IRIS Financials Reporting Services Browser is displayed. Select Chart of Accounts from the General Reports panel.
  3. Next, select the location(s) for which you want to produce a list of nominals. Select the required location(s) from the Please select the Location(s) drop-down list, then select View Report.
  4. The Chart of Accounts report is displayed. The report can be saved or printed. To save the report, select the Save icon, then select an option from the drop-down list. To print the report, select the Print icon.