Overview Nominal Index Types

Some Of the nominals and ledgers used in this topic may be different to those in your chart of accounts.

Nominal indices help to categorise each nominal code for reporting purposes, as well as being linked to other functions within the system, such as the search facility. These indices are also used by the Detail Enquiry, Trial Balance, and Ledger List, enabling you to search using the nominal index instead of the nominal code.

Nominal indices are added/edited in the Index Maintenance window, which is accessed by by selecting Maintenance, then selecting Indices from the menu. For more information, please see Maintaining Indices.

To view and select values for indices for a nominal, on the Nominal Maintenance window, select the Indices tab. For more information, please see Creating a Nominal.


Used to select whether this nominal should be included in a budget check.


Used to show if the nominal is a cash flow nominal or not, and if so, when it is payable.


Used for the EFA Budget Forecast Outturn and Budget Forecast Return reports. There is an index per year as the ESFA release new reports.

Each new index that is loaded uses the previous year’s index to see what code it should be in the new year. If required, select the applicable option from the Values panel.


Used to code what type of expenditure the nominal is going to be used for.

Select an applicable option if you want to report on expenditure.


This index is linked to the search functionality within the system and is automatically populated with index values when the account is created. It enables searching by account title.

Selecting on this index can take time for the results to load so only select this index if you intend to add a specific search index value (rarely needed).


Identifies whether the nominal is an Income, Expenditure or Balance Sheet nominal. The option selected here determines which reports the nominal is included in.

Select the applicable option from the Values panel.