Creating a Sales Invoice

The nominals and ledgers in this topic may be different to those in your chart of accounts.

This topic assumes that you are familiar with the completion of document input forms. If you need more detailed instructions (such as the selection of dates, periods, and accounts, etc.) please see Completing Document Input Forms.

A sales invoice is created by completing the Sales Invoice document input form. The customer must have been previously added to the applicable SALES ledger. Sales invoices can be created from two different locations - either directly from the applicable customer account (this method is quicker, and populates the invoice with the account details) or via the Documents menu.

  1. From the applicable customer account, select LINKS then select Add Invoice, then jump to step 5. Alternatively, select Documents, then select Document Input from the menu.

  2. The Document Input dialog is displayed. Select Drill (...) in Document type, then double-select to select ASSI- Sales Invoice document type (where AS represents the location code of the document type) from the Select a document type dialog.

  3. The Sales Invoice input form is then displayed in Input form. The Number defaults to the next number in the sequence for the selected document type.
  4. The Date defaults to the current date and the Period defaults to the current accounting periods. These do not usually need to be changed, unless a sales invoice is being added retrospectively. If the date needs to be changed, select the down arrow and select the required date from the calendar. If the period needs to be changed, select Drill (...) in Period, then double- select the required period from the Select a period dialog.
  5. Select OK to confirm your selections. The Sales Invoice document input form is displayed populated with the details entered in the Document Input dialog.
  6. Double-select in the Account field then double-select the required customer from the SelectAST_SALES account dialog (where AST represents the location code).
  7. The Account field is populated with the selected sales account details including address and any current debtor balance. Enter the Invoice Value (gross amount). The Header can include any reference the customer has given you (such as a PO number or contact name) and is displayed in the Your Ref section of the invoice.
  8. Double-select in Nominal and Account, then select the required nominal and cost centre account.
  9. Enter the QTY and Unit Price. Double-select in VAT Rate, then select the required VAT rate (if you charge VAT on sales or select X - Outside the scope). The VAT amount is calculated automatically based on your selection.
  10. Enter a suitable description, such as Hall Hire 1/1/21 to 31/3/21 (if further space is required, hold the Ctrl key and press F8 to enter more text).
    Our example shows an invoice created for sports hall hire from January to March. If the duration of the hirepayments exceeds more than one accounting period, it needs to be identified as deferred income by completing the Deferred Start Date and Deferred End Date (enter dates in dd/mm/yyyy format). In the following example you would enter the start and end dates of the hire period. This enables the system to accurately record the income in the correct accounting periods, irrespective of when the invoice is paid.
  11. Once the form has been completed, press the F5 key to post the form or select POST. You are then prompted to enter any discounts and select the date the invoice should be paid. Select OK to confirm your selections.
  12. Once posted, a preview of the invoice is displayed, which can be saved or printed (or emailed/printed using the Document Emailer module). Select the X in the top right-hand corner to close the preview.
  13. The Sales Invoice document input form remains open enabling any further invoices to be created. Any posted sales invoice are listed as a link in the Documents Posted panel. Selecting the required link displays a Document Enquiry window outlining the individual documents that have been posted relating to the sales invoice.