Searching for and Managing Documents

Over time, many documents can be stored in IRIS Financials Purchasing. There may be occasions when you need to search for, then view, edit, or copy a document. A variety of search criteria are available to refine searches and filter the results displayed. Any search criteria entered can then be saved as favourites for future use.


Entering Search Criteria

Over time, the number of documents stored in your system can be high and it is therefore useful to use a variety of search criteria to filter results.

For maximum system efficiency, many of the search windows load 20 results at a time (for example, when you are searching for suppliers, nominals, accounts, etc.) As you scroll through the list, a further 20 are loaded. A slight delay might be noticeable on slower internet connections.

  1. From the Home screen, select the Document Search icon.

  2. The Search Criteria window is displayed. The top section is used to enter the search criteria with the results displayed in the lower section.
  3. The following search criteria are available and are applied by selecting Search. You can clear the search criteria at any point by pressing the F5 key to refresh your internet browser.

    Viewing the Search Results

    Once a Search has been run, the search results are displayed in the Search Results window.

    You can change the order of the results by selecting the individual column headings. Each time you select a heading the order is changed from ascending to descending.

    You can also order on multiple columns in turn. For example, the following graphic shows a search that has been ordered by Document Date, then by Status then by Creator. The numbers indicate the priority order of the search.

  4. Saving Search Criteria as a Favourite

    If you frequently search using the same or similar criteria, the search can be saved as a favourite for future use. For example, this can be useful if you want to view a list of unauthorised purchase orders or check for missing GRNs on a regular basis.

  1. Set the filter criteria as described in the previous section, then select Save Favourite.

  2. The Favourites window is displayed. From the favourites window, enter a name for the favourite, then select Save.

    A message is then displayed indicating the favourite has been successfully saved.

  3. To run the favourite search, select the Favourites down-arrow and select the required favourite. The results are automatically displayed.

Managing Search Criteria Favourites

  1. Select Favourites to display the Favourites window.

    • Select the Cross icon (delete) adjacent to an unwanted favourite.
    • Use the up and down arrows to change the order in the list.
    • To edit a favourite, highlight the name, then select Load. Make any required changes, then select Save.