Adding New Approval Cancel or Reject Reasons

Applicable only to USERS with CUSTADMIN ACCESS.

When cancelling or rejecting items or documents in IRIS Purchasing, it is mandatory for a reason to be provided. A default set of reasons is supplied but you may want to add to these to suit your specific needs. This is achieved by amending a key list in IRIS Financials.

  1. Select Maintenance, then select Keylists from the menu.
  2. The Keylist Maintenance window is displayed. Select CANCELREASON - Rejection Reasons from the left-hand panel, select ADD NEW, then select KEY.

    Do not select KEYLIST as this creates a new list instead of a value (key) for the selected keylist.

  3. A <New item> is displayed in the centre panel key list and automatically selected. Enter a code (limited to 12 characters) in Key and a title (limited to 40 characters) for the key in Title, this is used to identify the cancel/rejection reason in the system, for example, NSUIT and Not Suitable.
  4. When you have entered the code and title, select SAVE.
  5. An Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.
  6. The new cancel/rejection reason is then available for selection from the Select window in IRIS Financials Purchasing.