Adding Email Addresses in IRIS Financials (v7+) for use with the Emailer Suite

There are three modules within the Emailer Suite used to send emails containing specific types of documents. For more information, refer to Overview of the Emailer Suite Product.

The email addresses used by these modules are stored in IRIS Financials via the Analysis Fields tab of the applicable account.

You only need to enter specific email addresses in the following fields if the email address differs from that stored in either the Contact Details or Comments panel on the General tab.

Document Emailer - email addresses are extracted from the DOCEMAIL field of the applicable account, typically suppliers (used for sending purchase orders for example), sales accounts (used for sending invoices for example) or student accounts (used to send statements relating to trips for example).

Statement Emailer - email address are extracted from the STAEMAIL field of the appropriate sales account. Typically it is a statement of what has been paid and what is currently owed.

Remittance Emailer - email addresses are extracted from the REMEMAIL field of the applicable supplier account. This field is also available in any other account attached to a ledger with a ledger type of Purchase.

It is essential that UserField is selected in EMAILSOURCE in order for these email addresses to be used. If Contact is selected, the email address stored in the Contact Details panel on the General tab is used and if Comment is selected, the email address stored in the Comments panel on the General tab is used.

To add/edit the required address:

  1. Select Maintenance, then select Accounts from the menu.

  2. The Select a ledger dialog is displayed. Double-select to select the required ledger, e.g. PURCHASE - Purchase Accounts.

  3. The Account Maintenance window is displayed, named according to the type of account you are working with. Select the required account from left-hand panel (in the following example, a supplier has been selected), select the Analysis Fields tab, then select EDIT.

  4. Scroll down (if necessary) to the email fields. Enter the required email address in DOCEMAIL, REMEMAIL, or STAEMAIL, as applicable.

  5. Select Drill (...) in EMAILSOURCE, then double-select to select USERFIELD - UserField from the Select EMAILSOURCE key dialog.

  6. When you have entered the required details, select SAVE.

  7. An Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.