Create a student age report

Use the Reports function in the StudentManager module to generate reports of students by age. You can also generate a list of students who are in the incorrect year group for their age. There are three types of report to choose from in Age Reports:

  • Simple Age Report. Lists students by either their current age or their applicant age when they applied for your school.
  • Age Check. Lists all students that are in the incorrect year group for their age.
  • DFES Census. Lists student numbers by boarding status.

Year Group and House Totals are displayed to the right of the screen to assist you further. Clicking on a year group or house takes you back to the student search screen.

Simple Age Report

To generate a Simple Age Report, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Student Manager module, select a student records tab and select Reports. The Student Reports screen is displayed:
  2. In the Age Reports section, locate the Simple Age Report and select a button to generate a report: Either:
    • Click Current Age to generate a list of students and their current age.
    • Click Student Age to generate a list of students and their applicant age.
    A window is displayed prompting you to Enter the date:
  3. Enter the date to calculate ages from (use the format DD/MM/YYYY) and select OK. Your selected Age Report is displayed. An example is shown below:
  4. select the report and select Print to print a copy of your Sibling Report, if required.

Age Check Report

To generate an Age Check report, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Student Manage module, select a student records tab and select Reports. The Student Reports screen is displayed:
  2. In the Age Reports section, locate Age Check and select Curr Age Check. A window is displayed prompting you to Enter the year. An example is shown below:
  3. Enter the school year to calculate ages from and select OK. Use the format YYYY, student ages are automatically calculated from 1 September for the year entered. Your Age Check Report is displayed:
  4. The student ages on 1 September are listed in the first column of the report. The current student ages are displayed in brackets in the last column in years and months.
  5. Click on a student name to display the Student Information window. This is optional but is useful for quickly accessing student contact information.
  6. select the report and select Print to print a copy of your Age Check Report, if required.

DFES Census Report

To generate a DFES Census report, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Student Manage module, select a student records tab and select Reports. The Student Reports screen is displayed. An example is shown below:
  2. In the Age Reports section, locate DFES Census and select Census Report. A window is displayed prompting you to Enter the date. An example is shown below:
  3. Enter the date to calculate ages from (use the format DD/MM/YYYY) and select OK. Your Census Report is displayed. An example is shown below:
  4. select the report and select Print to print a copy of your Census Report, if required.