Create a siblings report

Use the Reports function in the Pupil Manager module to generate reports of sibling groups within your school. There are two types of report to choose from in Siblings Reports:

  • Student Families. Lists families with two or more children at your school. Choose to include current students, applicants and former students, as required. See below for more information.
  • Current Students with Applicants. Lists students with siblings joining your school. Select the school year that siblings are due to join your school.

Year Group and House Totals are displayed to the right of the screen to assist you further. Clicking on a year group or house takes you back to the student search screen.

Student Families Report

To generate a Student Families report, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Pupil Manager module, select a student records tab and select Reports. The Student Reports screen is displayed:
  2. In the Siblings Report section, locate the Student Families report and select a button to generate a report: Either:
    • Click Just Current to generate a list of current students.
    • Click Inc App to generate a list of applicants. Applicants' Admission Status, School Year on Entry and Year Group on Entry are listed on the Sibling Report.
    • Click Inc All to generate a list of all students; current students, applicants and former students.
    Your selected Sibling Report is displayed:
  3. The Filter Siblings checkboxes are checked on the report to reflect the report you have selected.

  4. Check any Filter Siblings checkbox and select Filter to display siblings with a different record status. This is optional but can save time generating and comparing separate reports.
  5. Click on a student name to display the Student Information window. This is optional but is useful for quickly accessing student contact information.
  6. select the report and select Print to print a copy of your Sibling Report, if required.

Current Students with Applicants Report

To generate a Current Students with Applicants report, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Pupil Manager module, select a student records tab and select Reports. The Student Reports screen is displayed:
  2. In the Siblings Report section, locate the Current Students with Applicants report and select Current W/A. A window is displayed prompting you to Enter the year. An example is shown below:
  3. Enter the school year that applicants are due to start (use the format YYYY) and select OK. Your selected Sibling Report is displayed.
  4. Check any Filter Siblings checkbox and select Filter to display siblings with a different record status. This is optional but can save time generating and comparing separate reports.
  5. Click on a student or applicant name to display the Student Information window. This is optional but is useful for quickly accessing contact information.
  6. select the report and select Print to print a copy of your Sibling Report, if required.