E-mailing a student

E-mail a student directly from My Timetable in your dashboard:

  1. Locate the period with form or set that you want to work with and select ...:
  2. The Create Group E-mail window is displayed.

  3. Select the E-Mail Message tab:
    1. Enter an E-Mail Subject.
    2. Enter the e-mail text. Applying text formatting and links, if required.
  4. Select the E-Mail Attachments tab to attach files, if required:
    1. Select Upload Attachment.
    2. Select Choose File to find a file on your computer.
    3. Select Upload Attachment.

      See below for the other icons you can use when making attachments:

      Select to delete individual attachments.
      Delete All AttachmentsSelect to delete all attachments.
      Select to refresh the information in the tab.
  5. Select the E-Mail Recipients tab:
  6. Either:
    • Check the boxes next to student's names to select those who are to receive this e-mail.
    • or

    • Check the box in the header bar to select all students listed.
  7. You can only checkboxes for those students with a valid e-mail address, indicated by the green tick icon.

    A yellow warning icon indicates an invalid e-mail address.

  8. Select the E-Mail Options tab:
    1. Enter Recipient Options to CC and BCC recipients.
    2. Enter Sender Options. By default this is filled with your details.
    3. Select an E-Mail Priority from the drop-down list.
    4. Check the History Option box to keep a record of the e-mail. This is stored in the student's Communication History in the Pupil Manager module.
  9. Select Preview E-Mail, if required.
  10. Select Send E-Mail.