Settings and System Help


Settings contains three options:

System Users — view and set up who has access to your IRIS Assets system and which parts of the system.

System Structure — review your current IRIS Assets structure. Structural changes are made through Manage.

Helpdesk Setup — set the options and inboxes for your Helpdesk.

System Users

Select Settings > System Users.

The Settings - System Users page is displayed. The System Users displays all the current users who have access to the IRIS Assets system you are logged into. The table contains:

  • Name
  • Department
  • Email — the email address the user logs in with, Automatic Report, and Helpdesk notifications are sent to, and the Forgotten Password link sends recovery emails to
  • Edit — change a user's details, access, permissions, and Helpdesk Inbox notifications
  • Delete — removes the user (when you delete a user you cannot create a new user account using the email address deleted from IRIS Assets)

Above the System Users table, select Click to see the last 100 important system activities to go a page with the System Activity table with the columns User, Time, and Action (e.g. Successful Login).

Create a New User

  1. In System Users, select Add New User.
  2. The Settings - Add User page is displayed. Enter details for the following:

    • Name — enter the user's full name.
    • Password — passwords require a minimum of 6 characters. We recommend not using easily guessed passwords such as password, 123456, or your name. Refer to your own Organisation GDPR guidelines. The password can be changed later.
    • Department — enter the details of the department for which the user works.
    • E-Mail — enter the user's email address which is used to login to IRIS Assets. You do not have to use a real email address, however the user is unable to receive password recovery emails, Automatic Report, or Helpdesk notifications, which are features an Organisation often buys IRIS Assets for.
    • Access Permissions — set the menu options the user can access. The user can be limited to other areas by editing Permissions once their account has been created.

      A user needs access to Settings and Manage to have full access to edit the Asset Type, Location, and Department folder trees in Manage.

  1. Select Add User to create the account.
  2. Provide the user with the IRIS Assets URL ( and their login details in a secure format.

    If you want to create a user who only has access to use the mobile device (such as a third party contractor), do not select any of the permission options. The user can scan QR codes, add new assets, edit assets, add media (only on the device), and synchronise changes to the website. The user can log on to the website but they are unable to use any of the menus.

Edit User Options Explained

Select Edit for a user to edit the following:

User Details — personal details the user logs in with. Select Update User to save any changes.

Access Permissions — set menu options the user has access to by selecting the required permissions. Select Update User save any changes. (A user needs access to Settings and Manage to have access to edit the Asset Type, Location, and Department folder trees in Manage).

Inbox Notifications — sets whether a user receives email notifications when a new Helpdesk Ticket is received in an inbox. Select Receive Helpdesk Notifications, select the Helpdesk Inboxes the user needs to receive the notification for, then select Update User to save any changes.

Helpdesk Inbox Access — select which Helpdesk Inboxes the user has access to. Select Update User to save any changes.

Permissions — limits the user's access based on the system structure, this is set through Asset Types, Departments, Locations, and Questions. These can be set individually (e.g. limit an IT Technician to the Department IT) or in combination (e.g. limit a Facilities Team member to the Locations in the Building they work in and to Asset Types for PPM and statutory compliance). This can help user's select the correct options and prevent critical Assets (e.g. contracts) from being altered in error. The following options are available: 

  • Modify Asset Type Permissions — select one or more Asset Types to restrict the user's access to the selected Asset Type(s) only. If no Asset Types are selected the user has access to all Asset Types.
  • Modify Department Permissions — select one or more Department to restrict the user's access to the selected Department(s) only. If no Departments are select the user has access to all Departments.
  • Modify Location Permissions — select one or more Location to restrict the user's access to the selected Location(s) only. If no Locations are selected the user has access to all Locations.
  • Modify Question Permissions — select one or more Questions to hide the answer from the user. If no Questions are selected the user has access to all answers.
  • Copy permission settings from another user — all other users' names are displayed, select the relevant user name to copy their Permission to the current User. This helps save time and avoid mistakes when setting up new users. For example, Jenny joins the Facilities team for the Chapel Row building; Muhammad is an existing team member at Chapel Row and has already had the correct Permissions set for his login. You would edit Jenny's login to copy Muhammad's Permissions instead of trying to set up all the permissions from scratch.
  • Revert this user to Global — removes all the current Permissions, so the User has access to all Asset Types, Departments, Locations, and Questions again.

System Structure

The following options are available to allow the user to view the layout of the system by the feature selected. :

See all Questions — displays all Questions and where they exist in the system. In the table the left column shows the name of the Question and the right column indicates on which asset type within the asset tree the Question was created .

See all Asset Types — displays all the Asset Types, and if they are a Sub Asset, the Asset Type folder in which they exist.

See all Departments — displays all the Departments and Department folder in which they exist.

See all Locations — displays all the Locations and Location folder in which they exist.

For details on how to edit any of the details, go to Manage.

Helpdesk Setup

Helpdesk Setup allows you to customise the Helpdesk system to meet the needs of your Organisation.

Helpdesk Inboxes and Their Email Addresses — are paragraphs giving details about your Helpdesk systems email and how to set up additional inboxes. The Default Inbox — All IRIS Assets Helpdesk installations have a Default Inbox. The email address linked to your Default Inbox is given in the first paragraph in the format Sending an email to this address opens a support ticket in your Default Inbox.

Setting up Additional Helpdesk Inboxes — email a new inbox to create it, then when you view Active Tickets, your new Inbox and the Ticket you used to open it are displayed. The email address for your new Inbox is [whatever you want the Inbox to be called] For example, if you want an Inbox called Facilities you would send an email to

Delete an Inbox — deletes a Helpdesk Inbox and all the open and closed tickets it contains.

Reply Email Display Name (Helpdesk Setup)

Some Organisations do not want people who receive emails from Helpdesk but to receive them from the email address(es) associated with the Inbox(es). The two boxes here allow you to set an alternative display name for all Helpdesk Inboxes.

To set an alternative display name, enter an email address you own in Email Address or enter your preferred name in Email Display Name, then select Add Email.

Customise Colours

Colours are the background colour tickets have in the Active Tickets or My Tickets lists. These colours can be set to change with the number of hours that a ticket has been open. Colours are set by Inbox, select the name of the Inbox to open the Customise Colours page. This has two sections:

Customise Colours — displays all set colours, the number of hours that a ticket is open before the colour changes, and Delete to remove individual colours.

Create new category

Colour — set the colour in the wheel and fine tune it in the box

Category Name — what the colour is called throughout the Helpdesk

Hours — the number of hours that a ticket is open before the chosen colour is applied

Add Status — select to add the new category

Your Helpdesk

Click here opens the Helpdesk View page and allows the user to select or clear the items that are required on the Active Tickets and My Tickets lists.

The user may also drag these items up and down the table. The higher the item is in the table the further left in the Active Tickets or My Tickets list that the item appears. Select Update Settings to save the changes.

Ticket Status Options

Ticket Status allows users to set the stage of completion of a Ticket. The current Ticket Statuses available for your Helpdesk Tickets are displayed. You can set two options:

Add, Edit, and Delete Ticket Statuses — in Statuses, enter the new status in the position you want, edit an existing status, or remove the status and the line it is on. Select Update Settings to save the changes (statuses are divided by a line).

Default Email Ticket Status — set the Ticket Status all new tickets are allocated automatically, then select Update Settings to save.

Ticket Priority Options

Setting the Priority of a Ticket allows you to prioritise the overall Helpdesk workload and make sure urgent Tickets are displayed to you and your colleagues.

To make changes to the priorities, enter the new status in the position you want it, edit an existing status, or remove the status and line it is on. Select Update Settings to save the changes (Priorities are divided by a line).

New open ticket salutation — when Helpdesk tickets are emailed into a Helpdesk Inbox, a message may be automatically sent back to the person who raised the issue if details have been entered in Thank You Message.

To create a message, enter your standard message in Thank You Message, then select Save to apply all changes.

If you need further help using the system, log a support ticket (a Service Cloud account is required) to contact our Support Team.