
Melu is a live chat provider for your website. When you've integrated Melu and Senta, all leads that are generated through Melu's live chat will be added to your Senta by IRIS CRM.

How does the Melu integration work?

When someone who is interested in your products or services contacts your practice through Melu, this is classed as a lead. When the integration is turned on, Melu will collect some basic information for you about this lead:

  • Name

  • Email

  • Company

  • Phone number

  • Subject

Melu will also keep a full transcript of the conversation.

Following the conversation in Melu, this lead will then be tagged appropriately. There are two tags:

  • Unsuccessful - this lead is not to be pursued and no further action is needed.

  • Pre Qualified - this lead will be raised and created in Senta.

Once the Pre Qualified tag has been applied this will add the lead to Senta. The lead will be added under the client state of "Prospect" and a full transcript of the Melu conversation will be added as a note, tagged as the note type "meluchat".

Turn on the Melu integration

  1. Go to Settings > General settings > Extras to turn on the integration, then Save .

  2. Once you turn on the integration, a new Melu tab will be added to the General settings page. You will be presented with some introductory text and the option to select if you are a new or existing user of Melu. In order to proceed, you must make a selection here.

    • If you are an existing user of Melu you will be presented with some further information on setting up the integration and most importantly a button to generate an API Key.

    • If you are not an existing user of Melu then Senta will present you with the same API key and a link to sign up for a trial of Melu.

  3. Generate the API key and then go to your Melu Client Portal and enter the API under the Integrations section.

  4. Save to complete setup.