How to sign in to Senta by IRIS

You can sign in to Senta by using your email address and password, or by using your Google account.

Sign in using your email address

  1. Go to the email you received from us when you first set up your account and follow the link to your site. It should look something like this:

    If you're unsure what your Senta url is, please contact

  2. On the sign in page, enter your email address, and the password that you created during your initial account setup. Once you enter your details, you can tick the box next to Remember me. Your browser will remember your sign in details for the next time you sign in to Senta.

  3. Select Sign in.

Sign in with your Google account

Please note that this sign in option is only available to you if your account was originally set up with a Gmail address.

  1. On the sign in page, select Sign in with Google and enter your Gmail address.

  2. Enter your password and select Next..

What happens if I don't remember my password?

You can use the Forgotten password link to reset your password. When you click on the link, you will be taken to a screen where you can enter the email address where the password reset link will be sent.

Please note that the password reset links often end up in the Spam/Junk folder so please check those folders before contacting our support team at

What device can I use to sign in?

You can use most mobile devices that are connected to either Wi-Fi or a mobile network, this includes Android smartphones and tablets, iPhone smartphones and tablets, laptops, PCs...

Please note that a good connection to the internet is required, especially when opening and signing documents. If you are having trouble accessing documents or signing them, please try another browser and another device with a stable connection to the internet before contacting the support team at