Import Options

CSV file

Selecting this option will open a screen that will allow you to select the CSV file you wish to import and set the mappings from the CSV into the software.

The first time this screen is accessed you will be required to set the mappings. After this the most recent settings will be saved.

There are no restrictions on how the columns are named in the CSV.

The import is for a particular obligation of a single business.




This option allows you to copy information from any source (for example, Word, Excel, or VT accounts) and paste the information directly into the software.

The data you copy can either be, 2 columns, for example, Descriptions and Values, or 1 column, just the values.

The data can consist of all fields on the VAT return (that is, 13 rows) or just the monetary values on the VAT return,  9 rows.

Selecting this option will immediately import the values without any user intervention.



Spreadsheets - the file needs to be in either .CSV or .XLSX format:

 To import a spreadsheet the file needs to be in either .CSV or .XLSX format:

  1. Click the magnifying glass to browse to a spreadsheet containing the businesses VAT information.

  2. Once the spreadsheet loads, right-click in any cell and select which box you’d like the cell mapped to. Only numeric cells can be mapped with empty cells being treated as zero.

The Import option will be disabled until at least one box has a mapping.

  1. The mappings will be stored after running an import. If these need to be changed, either remap the cells or select Reset Mappings to remove all stored values.

It is possible to map cells within different sheets of a spreadsheet.

The following software should allow files to be saved into .xlsx format:


KashFlow - how to automatically import VAT values from KashFlow into VAT Filer.

Step 1 – Entering KashFlow details within VAT Filer

  1. If KashFlow credentials have not already been entered in another module then in VAT Filer, go to Setup | Practice Options and click KashFlow.

  2. Enter the login details and click OK.

Step 2 – Entering the client details

  1. Select Client | View and click the magnifying glass next to KashFlow Client.

  2. Select the relevant client and click OK.

Step 3 – Importing VAT values from Kashflow into VAT Filer

  1. Select the VAT obligation period,

  2. From the toolbar go to Import | Import from KashFlow or from the main screen click Import and select Import from KashFlow.

The Import screen displays. This will list the values for Boxes 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 that fall in the Obligation period.

  1. Select Import and the values will be imported and displayed in the main screen in VAT Filer.


Xero - how to automatically import Journal entries made in Xero to create a VAT Return in IRIS VAT Filer.

Step 1 – Entering Xero details within VAT Filer

If Xero credentials have not already been entered in another product then in VAT Filer:

  1. Go to Setup | Practice Options and click Bookkeeping.

  2. Enter the login details and click OK.

Step 2 – Entering the client details

  1. Select Client | View and click the magnifying glass next to Link to Bookkeeping and select the client to link from Xero.

Step 3 – Importing the Journals from Xero into VAT Filer

Select the VAT obligation period:

  1. From the toolbar go to Import | Import from Xero or from the main screen click Import and choose Import from Xero.

The Import screen displays. This lists all the journal entries (with a relevant “Tax Rate”) from Xero that fall into the Obligation period.

  1. The journal entries are mapped to the Box numbers as determined by the tax rate that has been allocated to each entry. There is a drop-down option for the Box Number allocation to select a different option if required.

  2. The last column to Import a value can be deselected if certain journal entries need to be disregarded for the VAT return. The table on the left-hand side displays a summary of the total values that will be imported.

  3. Click Import to import the values and populated into VAT Filer.

Settings Option

In the Import screen there is a Setting option for the mapping of the journals returned from Xero. The IRIS global setting can be changed so that the journal values returned are mapped to alternative box numbers.

There is a Reset option that will revert the mapping back to the IRIS default mapping. This again, is a global option that will apply to all future client imports.