Setting up Trustees etc.

Trustees, settlors and beneficiaries are set-up via the Related tab. This is accessed by selecting the Client menu and selecting view (change) and then selecting the Related



Client Involvements

  1. set up a trustee record click Involvements

         This will present a screen of three tabs; trustees, settlors and beneficiaries.


         The tab selected will be the type of person that will be linked to the Trust.

  1. Click New to move to the next screen.

  1. Select a Person or Business

The trustee may be a person on the IRIS central database or a non-client (someone without a client identifier). To select a person already set up on the database or to create a person to be added to the database, ensure that 'Is a client of the practice' is selected.  

  1. Click the magnifying glass next to Client to access the client browser screen. If the person is a client already, they can be selected from the client list. If the person needs to be set up, click New on the client browser screen and work through the New Person screens.
  2. If choosing a non-client, move the radio button into 'Is another person or business'. Click the magnifying glass next to the non-client box to pick one of the existing non-clients or click New to create a non-client
  3. In either case, after creating or finding the person, click Select to return to the screen above.

  4. If the person being linked to the Trust is the Principal Trustee, ensure that the option is selected on this screen. Dates of involvement can also be entered if they are known.

  5. The person will appear on the involvements screen. Close the involvements screen to return to the related tab or click New to create another trustee, settlor or beneficiary.

  6. Close all remaining screens to return to the main Trust Tax screen.