Creating new e-Checklists

To create e-Checklists,

Go to, IRIS Personal Tax | Administration | e-Checklists | New e-Checklist


e-Checklists may be produced for:

Current client – this will produce one e-Checklist for the client currently selected within the IRIS Personal Tax screen.

All clients – this will produce e-Checklists for all clients.

Range of clients – this will produce e-Checklists for a range of clients selected using data mining.

For example, you may want to produce all e-Checklists for clients which belong to a specific partner or manager within the practice.

e-Checklists can only be created for confidential clients when using the ‘Current client’ option. That is, confidential clients will be ignored when using the options All clients and Range of clients.


Upload e-Checklists to IRIS OpenSpace immediately

Select this option to upload the e-Checklists to IRIS OpenSpace immediately after they have been created.