Self-Assessment E-filing Guide

Click the links below to jump to a particular section:

Step 1 - Entering the Practice ID and Password

Step 2 - Generating the Electronic Return

Live Test





Step 1 – Entering the Practice ID and Password

Log into Personal Tax as a Master user and enter the User ID and Password via Setup | Practice Options | Tax Options on the Self Ass. tab. Practices may register for Online Services at  Your Agent Reference should be available from your local tax office.

Step 2 – Generating the Electronic Return

Users may generate electronic Self-Assessment returns by selecting Reports | Electronic Tax Return

Live / Test

Select Test or Final in the Electronic Tax Returns Option. Where Test is selected this will be indicated on the Transmit Internet Return screen.

Additional Attachments

Users may attach additional PDF documents to the return.

  1. Select External PDF to locate an existing PDF for the client or Communication Tracking to attach PDF's which have previously been saved within Communication Tracking.
  2. Click OK to generate the report(s).

  3. Once the Internet hardcopy has been produced, click Close.

Transmitting the Returns

  1. Go to Reports | Transmit Internet Return and highlight the return(s) to be submitted.

  2. Click Transmit and wait for the return to process. When this is complete the Cancel button will change to Close.  

  3. Clicking Close will display a message for each return transmitted which will either:

For more information regarding error messages log on to the knowledge base at to search for the relevant error number. Note that error 3001 is confirming that an error has occurred; the error number quoted after that is the one which indicates the nature of the problem.



Practice Management users may add an extra level of security to the Transmit screen to prevent transmission of returns before they have been approved by the client.

To switch on the functionality the practice must update the tax return job profiles for individuals, partnerships, limited companies and trusts as follows:

  1. Open System Maintenance.

  2. Select Practice | Job Types/Profiles and for each of the tax return jobs:

  3. Click Profiles.

  4. Highlight the job stage that indicates a tax return has been approved by the client and click Edit.

  5. From the Automatically complete when drop-down list select the Approval Received from Client event and click OK.

  6. Click Save and then Close the profile.

Once this has been set users will not be able to transmit electronic returns unless that job stage for the client has been completed. Unapproved returns will be listed on the Transmit Internet Return screen in a grey with No in the Approved column; the Transmit option will be disabled.

Once approval has been obtained the job stage may be completed either from the job itself or by clicking Approved on the Transmit Internet Return screen.


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