Setting up a new folder/filing cabinet in IRIS Docs


Documents within IRIS Docs are stored within filing cabinets.


To create an additional 'filing cabinet' to the filing structure:

  1. Sign into IRIS Docs as an user with administration access.

  2. Click Administration in the bottom left-hand corner.

  3. Click Show Filing cabinets in the top left corner.

  4. Right-click on the filing cabinet and click Add new folder.

  5. Enter the title (Name) and Description on the General tab.

  1. Select the Security tab and enter the required security groups. If unsure which security groups to add check in an existing folder which users already have access by clicking Show Filing Cabinets | right-click | Show Security info

  1. Select the Information Types tab.  Click Add and highlight the information types to assign against the new filing cabinet. To highlight more than one, hold down the ctrl key, click OK to add the information types to the filing cabinet.

  1. Select the Members and Groups tab, click Add and select the appropriate groups/staff who need to have access to the new filing cabinet. Click OK to confirm this.

  1. Click OK.