LLTM01- Termination of appointment of member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

The LLP number and the full name appears at the top of the form.  Beneath this, the full name and date of birth of the member should be entered and the date of termination of the appointment.

To activate the form

Go to Edit | Members, select Partners tab, highlight the relevant member and click View. Insert a To date, which is the date of termination and ensure that the Record on history for affected clients field is ticked. Click Update, the Termination screen displays. Make a selection for whether the member resigned, was removed from office or deceased and click OK.


To display the form

Go to Reports | Company Forms, highlight form LLTM01 and click Print Form and OK.

To display a form with basic details go to Reports | Forms with Basic Details | LLTM01- Termination of appointment of member of a limited Liability Partnership (LLP). The form opens in Microsoft Word showing the basic details.

To display a blank form go to Report | Blank Forms | LLTM01- Termination of appointment of member of a limited Liability Partnership (LLP). This opens the completely blank form in Microsoft Word.


LL TM01 - Example Form

Click on any area of the form for additional information: