IRIS Business Tax - Non-Corporate Distributions Rate (NCDR)

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How do I enter non-corporate distribution data?


I calculate the underlying rate for a client to be 17.7891%, why is this being rounded to 17.78% rather than 17.79%?


The profit for this company is between £49,933 and £50,000.  Why is the computation calculating the non-corporate distributions rate but then using the small company rate of tax less marginal relief?


The company has paid non-corporate distributions that are less than the company's profits but the profit is being taxed at 19% rather than at a mix of 19% and the underlying rate.


There is a warning on the computation regarding NCDs entered in Business Tax not matching those in Accounts Production but some/all of the NCDs were paid after 1 April 2006. How do I stop the warning from appearing?


What do I do if I have paid a non-corporate distribution after 31st March 2006?