
Returns can be submitted directly to the HMRC using the Internet service. This operates through the Government Gateway (www.gateway.gov.uk) using a high security Internet connection this process is seamless and operated entirely from within IRIS. As IRIS needs to connect to the Internet to file the return, it will be necessary for at least one IRIS terminal to be linked to the Internet.

To file CT600 returns via the Internet, click here for a step by step guide.


This is a HMRC requirement that if filing electronically a long return is required.



The name and status of the person signing the return needs to be completed. This is entered via Data entry | Declaration



To suppress the Capital allowances warning select Edit | Corporation Tax Computation Options and select the relevant option.

To remove the Non-Corporate Distributions warning select Edit | Non-Corporate Distributions and select the suppress warnings option.



Go to Client | View and click Accountant. Alternative accountant will be selected in error. Change to agent for a client specific change.

If a global change is required, log in as a Master user and go to Client | View | Accountant and click the magnifying glass to the right of Alternative accountant. View the main agents details and any alternative ones and deselect can act as agent.



Go to Reports | Electronic Tax Return, click the magnifying glass to the right of 'include accounts' and browse for the accounts.



The accounts attached to the return do not have to be the actual signed copy. However, you should have a signed copy available on file that is the same as the accounts you have filed.



If the company registration number is not 8 digits then a zero must be added to the start of the number.

To check or amend this go to, Client | View and amend the registered number field in the Client Maintenance screen.



Select Reports | Transmit Internet Return.  Right-click on the return in question and select Properties.



Common Rejection Errors

The HMRC recommend that the attachment filename needs to be as short as possible and in lower case. Unusual or space characters can cause the validation error.

A good file name example is accounts.pdf.

A bad file example is ACCOUNTS & Comps 2005.PDF



When a tax return is filed the HMRC system attempts to match the data with information already on their system.

If the information doesn't match then the return will be rejected.

Contact the Online Services Helpdesk, they will need the company's UTR and accounting period information.



Contact the Online Services Helpdesk as this query can only be resolved by them.