How to add a formula to a template in AutoMail  


IRIS AutoMail uses the interface of Microsoft Word to generate correspondence. To create your own Bespoke AutoMail templates you will require knowledge of Microsoft Word to the level of complexity that your bespoke template requires.

The IRIS support team are not Microsoft Word experts and cannot provide support, advice or maintenance services with respect to Microsoft Word. However, we have provided some documentation to help you with some of the program features.

This topic provides advice for adding a formula to a template in AutoMail? For example, to add two figures together and then display the total of the figures on the template.  

To add figures in an AutoMail document a formula needs to be used. This dictates which two figures need to be added to produce a desired result. For example, to display the outstanding balance due in January next year, you would like to add the current year balance liability and the On Account Payment for next year January.


To do this:

  1. From the IRIS Main Menu, click IRIS AutoMail.  

  2. The AutoMail - Letter Request Browser displays. Click Templates.

  3. The AutoMail - Letter Template Maintenance screen displays. Highlight the folder to which you would like to save the template to.

  4. Click New Template.

  5. The New Template Screen displays. Enter a description. For example, Tax Return Cover.

  6. Click the magnifying glass in the Based upon field. The Select screen displays.

  7. Click on the IRIS Word Templates no header & footer, highlight the Tax Return Cover Template and click Select.

  8. The New Template Screen displays. Click OK to view the template.

The Word Template displays allowing you to edit the details.

  1. Toggle on the Field codes (Press ALT + F9 on your keyboard). For more information, click here.

  2. Minimise Word. The Tag Selection screen displays.

  3. Open the Folders the Particular Client | Individual | Tax Information | Current Year | select Balance Liabillity Next Year | select OAC

  4. Click Refresh.

  5. Maximize Word to enter the formula into the document.

  6. Left-click on the document where you would like to enter the formula.

  7. To check for versions of Word, Click on Help | About, when in the Word Document.


For versions of MS Word 2007 or later

  1. Click the Insert tab in Word. In the 'Text' section click Quick Parts. From the drop-down list Select 'Field'.

  2. In the 'Field Names' field, click '=(Formula)'

  3. In the Field Properties, click Formula.

This will display the Formula Screen.

  1. In the Formula: there will be an equal to sign present. Type in "a+b" after the equal to sign. This will be displayed as =a+b

  2. In the Number Formal: text box, click on the down arrow and select the format that you would like the calculated number to be saved in. For example £#,##0.00;( £#,##0.00).

  3. Click OK which will then be displayed on the template as { =a+b#"£#,##0.00;( £#,##0.00)" }

  4. Place your cursor before the A and press Delete on the keyboard.

  5. Leaving the cursor in the "a" position, click the Mailings tab | In the Write & Insert Fields section, click on the Insert Merge Field down arrow.

  6. Select LMCLCYrBalLiab

This will then be entered in the document as below { ={ MERGEFIELD LMCLCYrBalLiab }+b#"£#,##0.00;( £#,##0.00)" }

  1. Place your cursor before the b and press Delete on the keyboard.

  2. Leaving the cursor in the "b" position, click on the Mailings tab | In the Write & Insert Fields section, click on the Insert Merge Field down arrow.

  3. Select LMCLNYrOAC

This formula will be displayed as:

{ ={ MERGEFIELD LMCLCYrBalLiab }+{ MERGEFIELD LMCLNYrOAC } #"£#,##0.00;( £#,##0.00)" }

  1. Minimise Word and click Save in the Tag Selection screen.

When generating the template, the result of the formula will be displayed.


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