The Context types available in AutoMail


The context type of a letter determines who the letter is intended to be addressed to and which tags from the IRIS database should be available for selection in the Tag Selection screen. Also, certain mappings will only map to letters with the correct context type. For example a corporation tax mapping will only map to a letter with a corporation tax context type.

The following main context types are available:

Client - a general context type, this should be used where the letter is intended to be sent to any type of client. Both business and personal details are available to insert into the letter.

Business - select this context type where the letter is strictly intended for businesses only. Business name information and contact details are available to insert into the letter.

Individual - select this context type where the letter is strictly intended for personal clients only. Personal information is available to insert into the letter.

Accounts - select this context type where the letter contains account period end date details. Additionally, business name information and contact details are available to insert into the letter.

Individual (Personal Tax) - in addition to all the tags provided by the Individual context type, this context type includes tags containing Personal Tax information, such as liabilities and payments on account.

Corporation Tax - select this context type when creating a letter which contains corporation tax information, or when creating a letter that will be mapped to a corporation tax event.

Sole Trade (SoleTrader Personal Tax) - select this context type to include personal tax details for a sole trader.

Partnership Tax - select this context type when creating a letter which contains partnership tax information, or when creating a letter that will be mapped to a partnership tax event.

Trust Tax - select this context type when creating a letter which refers to a Trust, or when creating a letter that will be mapped to a trust tax event.

Tax (Employment) - select this context type when creating a letter that contains PAYE information.


Client and Bank - select this context type when creating bank letters with bank account information.

...(Common Tags Only) - a context type with Common Tags Only post-scripted will exclude most of the Business and Individual tag folders and only allow selection from the Common folder, in addition to the tags specific to the area selected.


For a complete list of tags available relevant to context type, click here.


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