Base View idvTimeSheet


This view exposes the rows in TFTimesheet that represent staff timesheets.

Type = Base view suitable for advanced end user use



Year The year part of the time period
Period The time period number within the year
TimeSheetNumber Unique timesheet number within period
StaffInternalId Internal identifier of the staff member the timesheet is for
StartDate The first date of the timesheet
EndDate The last date of the timesheet
ExpectedTime The expected time total for the timesheet in minutes
Complete 'Y' if actual logged time has reached expected time
AppliedOnce Some, but not necessarily all, postings in the timesheet have been applied to the time ledger
CompletelyApplied Timesheet is complete and all postings have been applied to the time ledger - no further posting to the sheet is possible, except by adding later separate corrections.
WhoCreated The internal identifier of the staff member who created the object
WhenCreated When the object was created
WhoLoggedStatus The internal identifier of the staff member who logged the latest status change to the object
WhenStatusLogged When the latest status change to the object actually happened

