Base View idvTimeInstruction


This view exposes the rows in TFTimeInstruction that represent instructions to match or unmatch WIP and/or expenses on the time ledger.

Type = Base view suitable for advanced end user use



JobInternalId Internal identifier of the job the instruction is for
Year The year part of the time period
Period The time period number within the year
Instruction Unique instruciton number within period
Date The instruction date
Type The type of instruction - see idvTimePostingType
Amount The memo amount of the instruction as credit negative. Thus for an invoice it is negative and equal to the ex VAT amount billed to the customer. On a credit note it is positive. It is zero for write off instructions.
WriteOut The current amount written out (or off) by the instruction. This is the sum total of all postings arising, with the same sign convention as 'Amount'
Pending 'Y' = Instruction has not yet been applied to the ledger
Current 'Y' if the instruction is still current, else 'N'
Undone 'Y' if the instruction has been undone, else 'N'
Reference Any reference associated with the instruction
Narrative User entered narrative associated with the instruction
FeesPostingYear When the instruction arises as a result of a fees posting this, and the next two columns, identify the fees posting by year, period and posting number in period
FeesPostingPeriod See FeesPostingYear
FeesPostingNumber See FeesPostingNumber
ParentYear Duplicates FeesPostingYear without NULLs for efficient queries
ParentPeriod Duplicates FeesPostingPeriod without NULLs for efficient queries
ParentObject Duplicates FeesPostingNumber without NULLs forefficient queries
WhoPosted The internal identifier of the staff member who made the posting
WhenPosted When the posting was actually made

