Base View idvToDo


This view exposes the rows in ISOL1442 that represent 'to do' task assignments for staff members.

Type = Base view suitable for advanced end user use



InternalId The internal identifier of the 'to do' task
ClientObjectType If the task is associated with a client then this is the object type of the client object
ClientInternalId If the task is associated with a client then this is the internal identifier of the client
AssignedToInternalId Internal identifier of the staff member that the task is assigned to
WhenAssigned Date and time that the task was assigned
AssignedByInternalId Internal identifier of the staff member who assigned the task
JobStageInternalId If the task is associated with a particular job stage this is the internal identifier of the job stage
JobInstanceInternalId If the task is associated with a particular job instance this is the internal identifier of the job instance
Subject The brief text associated with the task

The priority level of the task expressed as an integer suitable for sorting or selection

  • 1 = Urgent
  • 2 = High priority
  • 3 = Normal priority
  • 4 = Low priority
  • 9 = Not specified


The priority level of the task as a user visible string

  • Urgent = Urgent
  • High = High priority
  • Normal = Normal priority
  • Low = Low priority
  • Not set = Not specified

DateDue The date by which the task is due
RawCompletedInfo Completion information as stored on the legacy database (made visible as a selectable field for derived views
Completed The date on which the task was completed
Acknowledged 'N' if the task is not yet acknowledged as received, otherwise 'Y'
Archived 'Y' if the task has been archived, otherwise 'N'
Private 'Y' if the task is private, otherwise 'N'
Read 'Y' if the task has been read by the recipient, otherwise 'N'
AlertOwner 'Y' if the owner is to be alterted to significant events on the task
AlertAssigner 'Y' if the assigner is to be alterted to significant events on the task
AlertAssignee 'Y' if the assignee is to be alterted to significant events on the task

Current status of the task as a numeric value

  • 0 = Not Started
  • 10 = Waiting for Acceptance
  • 20 = Rejected
  • 30 = Accepted
  • 40 = In Progress
  • 50 = Waiting for Someone
  • 60 = Completed
  • Anything else = Unknown


Current status of the task

  • NST = Not Started
  • WACC = Waiting for Acceptance
  • REJ = Rejected
  • ACC = Accepted
  • PROG = In Progress
  • WAIT = Waiting for Someone
  • COMP = Completed
  • UNK = Unknown

WhenStatusSet Whent the current status was achieved
StatusSetByInternalId Internal identifier of the staff member who logged the current status
WhenCreated When the task was created
CreatedInternalId Internal identifier of the staff member who created the task

If the task repeats this is the repetition interval unit

  • D = Daily
  • W = Weekly
  • M = Monthly
  • Y = Yearly
  • null = Does not repeat

RecurrenceInterval If the task repeats this is the number of repetition intervals between successive instances of the task
RecurrenceNext If the task repeats this is the date the next instance of the task is due
RecurrenceActive If the task repeats the 'N' indicates that this instance is no longer active
AvoidWeekends If the task repeats monthly or annually a 'Y' here indicates that weekends are to be avoided
LastDayOfMonth If the task repeats monthly then a 'Y' here indicates that it should be on the last day of the month, rather than any specific date.
LastDayIfNecessary If the task repeats monthly on a date greater than 28th a 'Y' here indicates that it should revert to the last day of the month if the month is too short
WhenArchived When the task was archived


This view is directly inherited by the following views: