Business View ibvStaffRecoveryCL2Y


This view represents the recovery on staff time as a result of billing. There is one row per combination of original bill and staff member whose time is written out by it.

The view also includes write off postings and write back postings (the latter of which may be as a result of credit notes).

Year and period in this view represent the time ledger periods in which the actual write out/off/back postings occur, not the periods in which the original WIP was incurred. The posting may occur in a later period than the original billing (or write off) instruction if, for example, later manual matching is done.

Figures for this view are the result of apportionment, and hence are subject to rounding errors. It therefore does not follow that adding up the individual amounts for a bill will get back to the original bill total. Apportionment arises:

Pending postings are not included in the results.


Cancelled and contra postings are included in the results. This is primarily because the contra may be in a different period to the cancelled posting, and the cancelled posting might have been included in last month's figures before it was cancelled. If we now didn't show the contra it would be difficult to reconcile.

Type = End user business view, incorporating business logic



Inherits columns from view ibvStaffCategorisation plus:


The internal identifier of the client job that the posting is for.


The time ledger year in which the write out/off/back posting is made


The time ledger period within year in which the write out/off/back posting is made


The posting number of the write out/off/back posting within time ledger year and period


The date of the write out/off/back posting


The type of the write out/off/back posting (see idvTimePostingType)


The type of the write out/off/back posting in human readable form


'Y' if the posting is a contra. This allows you to distinguish between a bill and a bill cancellation for example (other than by the sign of the amount).


Any reference on the posting


Any narrative on the posting


The write out/off/back posting amount as credit positive (i.e. a write out or off is positive, a write back is negative)


The amount currently matched to the write out/off/back posting (same sign convention as the posting amount)


The billed amount currently matched to the write out/off/back posting (same sign convention as the posting amount). This is derived from the originating instruction, apportioned by write out value if there is more than one write out.


The total posting amount of staff postings matched to this write out/off/back. In general this column is best regarded as documentary, since each of these postings could, in principle, be matched to other write outs.


The amount of WIP matched from this write out/off/back to postings for this staff member. This is positive for a normal write out, but will be negative for a cancellation.


The apportioned billed amount for postings for this staff member (apportioned according to the amount written out to that staff member). This is positive for a bill, negative for a credit note.


The apportioned billed amount less the time written out. Zero is neutral recovery, positive is profit beyond that built into charge rates, negative is eating into the charge rate profit.