Business View ibvFeesAndWIPTotalsWithCatsLCPC


This view presents summary movement and balance figures by client and period covering both WIP and fees information for the latest closed period plus the same period from the previous year.

Views that combine fees and WIP information on a period basis only make sense if the periods on the time and fees ledger are aligned (for example, there are the same number of periods per year on the two ledgers and the start and end dates of the periods on the two ledgers are the same).

For the variants of such views that are restricted by period (for example, current, latest closed and so on) it is the TIME ledger period status that is used. Thus, if the time ledger period has been closed, but the corresponding fees ledger one has not, the information presented will be the current information for that fees period.

You should also note that the information is associated with periods according to the individual postings on the ledgers. For example, if you post an invoice to period 2 on the fees ledger, but it actually writes out to period 3 on the time ledger, the fees invoicing details will appear under period 2 and the billed totals for WIP under period 3.


There are several ways that this can happen, for example:

If there is period alignment and most fee processing is straight forwards then it will normally be the case that the WIPBilled and InvoicedExVAT figures will be the same. This is not necessarily always true however. Obvious circumstances that can give rise to a difference are:

For use by

This view is suitable for any user wanting access to the time and fees totals.



This inherits columns from the following views:

-  ibvFeesAndWIPTotals

-  ibvClientCategorisation